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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Skyscrapers @Singapore

One thing I like about Singapore is their buildings, their structures and systematic placements within the city gives you the reassurance that, this place is definitely a place where discipline and controls are highly valued.
The tall buildings in the financial district zone, also gives you the ommph to be a corporate rat also!! Yeah, the slave to all corporate cultures.
While the buildings in Kl are random and the buildings here are places within MRTs to ease the burden of the urbanites travelling to work. If only KL was like that, traffic jams would be less of a problem.
Coming here and see all the tall buildings, you began to realise that why Singapore can grow so fast as its environment around here does not allow you to ponder and stop and think what to do next, instead it forces you to move while thinking and run while pondering, effectively forcing Singaporeans to be more efficient or Kiasu, whatever you call it.
But the fast pace environment here is something that everyone needs to learn eventually...


Blogger Chau said...

Hi KC. I always like architecture, and you have some very nice pictures of the Singapore CBD. :)

7:50 PM


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