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Monday, December 18, 2006

Con @ Batu Feringgi

Batu Feringgi is the place for tourists to hang out, they have better beaches here, depending on which hotel you stay, but basically the whole area is touristy.

You have strings of hotels at one side ranging from 6 stars hotel like Shangrila to others which looked like motels to me.

Other than hotels, they also have their version of Petaling Street aka night market / bazaar which is filled with T-shirts, CDs, DVDs and other stuff.

Various restaurants and food stalls are also located along the side. Me as usual zoomed in to the DVDs corner and started to look at the variety they have. Amazingly, it has a lot of variety... and damn cheap too. Another reason to visit Penang, just that Batu Feringgi is a little bit out of the way.

Anyway, if you are in Batu Feringgi, do not go to this restaurant called End of the World, the food sucks!

We ordered claypot tofu: Their version of claypot tofu was like claypot water and dump some tofu and carrots inside. It was was bad!

We ordered veggies: the veggies was ok...but then again, if they can go wrong with Veggie, then something is really wrong!

We ordered buttered prawn: Well, maybe what they offered us was the Penang version, which was different. I am giving them a benefit of doubt as maybe that was the Penang style of cooking, but essentially it was still not up to my standard!

Last of all, my fren Evil See ordered stuff lobster, she asked for 400grams lobster but instead was given 500 gram and their excuse was the waiter who took our order had communications problem.

Too me, it was not communication problem, as 100grams = RM15, a savvy businessman would have just said sorry and waive the extra changes..

But they, well, lets put it this way, they wanted me to advertise for them, dun go to this place call End of the World, coz they dun give you good service because they figured, you will never go back because it is already the end of the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say its the END of the End-of-the-World restaurant. Go to my website, take the picture of the restaurant from there, and put it up for all to see here so no one gets conned by "miscommunication" again, ever. btw, the word verification is very troublesome!

12:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say its the END of the End-of-the-World restaurant. Go to my website, take the picture of the restaurant from there, and put it up for all to see here so no one gets conned by "miscommunication" again, ever. btw, the word verification is very troublesome!

12:38 PM


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